Business's I Have Photographed

Oxford Health
Community Health Centre
Our purpose is to ensure that Oxford is living healthy & well. A reflection of our commitment is that we are the only General Practice that provides the Waimakariri District with PRIME responders & 24-hour care, seven days a week
*I've photographed the staff over around 4 years..
03 312 4195
Cust Equestrian Group
Local Horse & Rider Group
The Cust Equestrian Group was formed around 15 years ago.
I have been a member from it's start and enjoyed the club and the ability to be able to make use of its grounds and arena.
I'm also on the committee.

Kitty Kingdom
Local Cat Rescue
Tragically many people do not bother to get their cats neutered or speyed. This results in many thousands of cats being dumped which is tragedy both for the cats and also the local bird population.
Kitty Kingdom do a stellar job in trapping feral cats, getting them fixed and finding new homes for them.
All of our 4 cats have come from rescue centres,
Two of them from kitty Kingdom.
I have been photographing some of the cats for kitty Kingdom and it is heart wrenching to see so many beautiful cats in need of homes and especially sad when the same cats are still there a few months later.
Adult cats are especially difficult to find homes for..

Horse Riding Coach
Debbie Nelson offers the ultimate in riding tuition for both children and adults.
Debbie is an experienced, qualified riding coach who teaches softness and correct riding for all stages of riders.
Particularly fabulous for older riders returning to riding who are prone to feeling nervous.
The Coach2Go children and Adult camps are great fun and well attended